Breastfeeding Moms Group
We are excited to offer this FREE once a month breastfeeding focused moms group. Pregnant, pumping, mixed and formula feeding parents are all welcome to attend and feel free to bring older siblings.
Come find support and encouragement in your breastfeeding journey, meet other parents and have a place for your little ones to interact! We also allow the use of our scale for you to get a weight on your little one, just for your own information and not sent to your pediatrician.
This is solely a mom to mom support group that we facilitate, if you need specific breastfeeding help we are happy to set up a lactation consult for you.
Not currently meeting, email us if you are interested
at our office 5923 Clark Rd, Suite F
Paradise, CA
just a short drive up the hill from Chico
or Oroville in Butte County.